Crafts in the Pens
On 17th-18th November I will be holding a pen at Crafts in the Pens, selling my work. This is the first time exhibiting as 'Sarah Wafer...

Masters Degree Show 2017
I was excited to see the masters degree show this year at The National Glass Centre, Sunderland. It was titled 'We Ar' - a play on the...
Building my studio
Just before my time working as a Camp Counsellor at Camp Med-O-Lark in Maine I hired an electrician to wire in my new kiln. I just need...
A Kiln!
Through a mutual friend I have managed to bag myself a kiln, with a price tag I cannot complain about. It will be wired in very soon, so...
Beginning of an Artist - Part One
A Brief Background I have always enjoyed making art. All through school until sixth form I experimented with fine art, more specifically...
In the New Year!
It is nearly 2017, and I am putting into perspective the aims I wish to achieve in my art work and business. In the next year I plan on...

Making a glass sculpture
Over three days in the first week back at University we were briefed to design and make a work of art inspired by the north east. And boy...

Shipley Art Gallery - Second Year Dry Run Exhibition
On 22nd May 2015, I attended a private viewing which was exhibiting the second year glass and ceramics students work, from the University...