Future Events
After Christmas, although it has been quiet with stalls.. I have been accepted to hold a stand at the BCTF (British Craft Trade Fair) in...

Crafts in the Pen Set Up
It has been such a busy day.. Driving TWO hours to get to Crafts in the Pen at Skipton and setting up my pen for the weekend. It is my...

Masters Degree Show 2017
I was excited to see the masters degree show this year at The National Glass Centre, Sunderland. It was titled 'We Ar' - a play on the...
Beginning of an Artist - Part One
A Brief Background I have always enjoyed making art. All through school until sixth form I experimented with fine art, more specifically...
In the New Year!
It is nearly 2017, and I am putting into perspective the aims I wish to achieve in my art work and business. In the next year I plan on...

Master Exhibition - Private View..
Material Matters The name of our Masters Degree Final Exhibition show at The National Glass Centre in Sunderland. It went so well, a load...

Potfest in the Pens
It was my first time to visit potfest, believe it or not... and I absolutely loved it.. I aspire to have a table there one year. So many...

Stage Two - Assessment presentation
#trinket #patterns #commemorate #greatgranda #working #printing #screenprinted #screenprint #uni #university #sundelrand #sunderland...

Stage Two - Testing
Assessment is fast approaching and one of my desks is smothered with work... this is only some of it. I LOVE doing my masters at...

Rural Arts Exhibition at Thirsk 'FRESH'
Tonight is the Private View for the exhibition 'FRESH' designed for emerging artists in Thirsk. I will be exhibiting my work Where men...