British Craft Trade Fair 2020
I have applied for Post Newcomers at the British Craft Trade Fair in 2020. Saturday 4th April will be open to the public and the...
Card Machine
Yay, I have just received my new card machine. So I can now accept card payments, at fairs and markets. #seller #selling #maker #handamde...
Other Fairs/Markets Leading up to Christmas
As Northern Craft Fair has now finished, I am looking at booking a stall at Tynemouth Market every Sunday on the run up to Christmas (or...
Northern Craft Fair - Gateshead
I have just finished at the Northern Craft fair event located at The Baltic, Gateshead. It was SO fun and a great experience, I highly...
Online Catalogue
I now have an online catalogue for the public and for potential stockists/buyers. If you are interested please message me or email me at...

Crafts in the Pen Set Up
It has been such a busy day.. Driving TWO hours to get to Crafts in the Pen at Skipton and setting up my pen for the weekend. It is my...

Masters Degree Show 2017
I was excited to see the masters degree show this year at The National Glass Centre, Sunderland. It was titled 'We Ar' - a play on the...
Camp Med-O-Lark
I have briefly mentioned in my previous blog post I was a Camp Counsellor for Camp Med-O-Lark in Maine, USA. I was working in the U.S as...
Clay - Terracotta clay
What is terracotta clay? Terracotta is a type of earthenware clay, which is the most common clay and pretty much found on every...
Beginning of an Artist - Part One
A Brief Background I have always enjoyed making art. All through school until sixth form I experimented with fine art, more specifically...